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It’s part of a growing class of research chemicals being investigated for their use in treating muscle wasting and weakness.

What Benefits Does Grimlabs Immortal Ligandrol (LGD-4033) Claim?

Like other SARMs, LGD-4033 has been shown to increase lean muscle mass in the body.

The pharmaceutical is designed to deliver the benefits of a testosterone supplement, but with improved safety and patient acceptance.

It also creates significant anabolic activity in bones, potentially helping to strengthen them.

Some of the most impressive claims of Ligandrol include the following:

    Potential treatment for muscle wasting

    Potential treatment for osteoporosis by increasing bone density and preventing loss

    Potential use for building lean muscle mass

    Potential use for maintaining lean muscle mass even with a reduced caloric intake

In addition, Grimlabs Immortal Ligandrol (LGD-4033) offers several advantages over anabolic steroids, which have been the traditional solution for bodybuilders struggling to bulk rapidly.

For instance, because this SARM is highly targeted at muscles and bones, it doesn’t have the same range of side effects on other parts of the body.

It also does not convert on estrogens or DHT, cause gynecomastia, or lead to the retention of water and salt in the body. It is also not linked to:

    Hair loss

    Facial swelling

    Acne/oily skin

    Behavioral changes

    Sleeping difficulties

    Short-term aggression and violence

The side effects above are primarily associated with traditional anabolic steroids.

What You Can Expect From Taking Grimlabs Immortal Ligandrol (LGD-4033)

Many people who take SARMs, and Ligandrol in particular, do so not just for the increased lean muscle mass and boost to their strength, but for increased vascularity and muscle hardening.

Here’s a few of the primary benefits you can expect from taking Ligandrol:


There’s a certain look to the physique of the world’s top bodybuilders. They’re not just burly. They’re cut, clean, and their veins positively bulge.

Ligandrol is recognized as one of the best SARMs for improving vascularity.

It’s not just about looks, though. Bigger veins mean better blood and oxygen transportation throughout the body, which improves endurance.

That means you’ll be able to beat old PRs and set new ones regularly!

Muscle Hardening

To get lean, hard muscle, you used to have to focus on endurance workouts.

Otherwise, you might get bulk, but the tissue would be relatively soft.

Of course, endurance work tends to create flatter, leaner (less bulky) muscle, which isn’t all that impressive visibly.

So, you might have rock-hard muscles, but because you focused on endurance work, you’re long and lean, rather than ripped.

With a Ligandrol, you can achieve muscle hardening by focusing on bulk work rather than endurance-centric exercises.

Increased Strength

Building muscle does not always equate to strength gains.

Look at some of the world’s top body builders and you’ll find that while they can lift a lot of weight once, they cannot do it multiple times.

They lack stamina (endurance) and true strength.

However, there is anecdotal evidence from recreational users of LGD-4033 that it enables true strength gains with just a few usage cycles.

What does that mean for you, though? Some users have reported gains of as much as 35% in strength from one or two cycles.

Of course, your results may vary and will be based on a wide range of personal factors.

However, you can expect increased strength, improved fat burning, and decreased recovery times.

How to Use Grimlabs Immortal Ligandrol (LGD-4033)

Taking Ligandrol is a relatively simple process. You only need to take 5mg per day.

Cycling LGD-4033 (Ligandrol)

Taking SARMs like Ligandrol can yield significant results.

However, it does depress your body’s ability to produce testosterone.

The side effects of long-term low testosterone can be considerable, so it’s recommended that you cycle correctly.

You’ll want to create an on and off schedule that gives your body time to ramp up testosterone production once more.

Many people follow a basic schedule that looks like this:

    Weeks 1 through 8: Take your standard dosage of LGD-4033 every day.

    Weeks 9 through 12: Take your standard dosage of LGD-4033, as well as PCT.

    Weeks 13 through 20: Stop taking LGD-4033 and PCT and allow your body to naturally recover.

Supplement Facts